2D Platformer - Progress Update
Key Learnings:
Further developed my C# skills (Vector2D’s, Unity Physics)
Further developed my Unity 2D skills (basic character animation, tilemapping)
This is a project that I have undertaken autonomously after studying the Udemy 2D / C# course. I would like to learn how to make a platformer more autonomously as this will give me more freedom to implement the mechanics that I want to. The project is currently very much a WIP and I am still learning much of the basics; however, in the interest of keeping the website up to date I wanted to provide some information on how things are going!
Game Screen Capture
Unity Forums offered a great deal of support when encountering issues - particularly, regarding the Unity Physics Engine & appropriate Character Controller code.
YouTube resources have been particularly useful regarding Unity related elements of development (tilemaps, animators).
Web resources (Kenney.nl) were used to find affordable open source assets.
2D Character Controller (movement, rotation, animation, etc.)
Tilemapping (tileset creation, colliders, base / background tilesets)
Limited coding/software development experience
Areas for Improvement:
More in-depth knowledge or experience to guide my understanding of the Unity Physics engine / Character Control through forces would be helpful.
More features (only some basic features yet exist and I hope to add more as time passes!)