Space Laser Defender

Key Learnings:

Title Screen

Title Screen

  • Further developed my C# skills (coroutines, instantiating, etc.)

  • Further developed my Unity 2D skills (parallax background, Unity Particle System, audio sources)

  • Basic game development planning (core, secondary, and polish features)

This was the second game that I made as part of a Unity 2D certification course. It involved furthering my basic game development skills that I learned in the previous game whilst adding more concepts both in relation to C# and the Unity Engine.

Game Screen Capture



  • Udemy tutorials and online forums (Unity, Reddit) offered support for code-related issues.

  • Web resources (, were used to find open source assets.

  • Nested coroutines

  • Finding open-source VFX / SFX assets for inclusion

  • Singleton patterns

  • Limited coding experience

Areas for Improvement:

  • More projectile variety would be an interesting addition.

  • More lanes / enemy variety would be great; it is ultimately limited to the assets I can find.

Final Thoughts:

This is the second game I ever made. Taking that in to account I think it went really well (excepting a several day hiatus due to a rogue space bar in a .cs file!). The game is really enjoyable and I hope to have my friends test it in the near future. Until then…On to the next one!


2D Platformer - Progress Update


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