Space Laser Defender
Key Learnings:
Title Screen
Further developed my C# skills (coroutines, instantiating, etc.)
Further developed my Unity 2D skills (parallax background, Unity Particle System, audio sources)
Basic game development planning (core, secondary, and polish features)
This was the second game that I made as part of a Unity 2D certification course. It involved furthering my basic game development skills that I learned in the previous game whilst adding more concepts both in relation to C# and the Unity Engine.
Game Screen Capture
Udemy tutorials and online forums (Unity, Reddit) offered support for code-related issues.
Web resources (, were used to find open source assets.
Nested coroutines
Finding open-source VFX / SFX assets for inclusion
Singleton patterns
Limited coding experience
Areas for Improvement:
More projectile variety would be an interesting addition.
More lanes / enemy variety would be great; it is ultimately limited to the assets I can find.