Welcome to my personal project portfolio. This presents a diverse and interesting range of the projects that I have worked on previously. My commitment to continuous improvement and growth is a large part of what fuels this part of my site and is a major focus of the portfolio
Whilst I have worked (on an employment basis) on a variety of projects and products as a lead, these are not included here (for obvious reasons!). Further information on those projects can be gathered either at interview or from my CV.

3D Platformer (Zenva Course)
This is a game that I made following along with a Zenva Academy course. I may revisit it as it’s a great canvas for a 3D game. I haven’t gone too crazy adding in elements from the…

2D Platformer - Progress Update
This is a project that I have undertaken autonomously after studying the Udemy 2D / C# course. I would like to learn how to make a platformer more autonomously as this will give me more freedom to implement the mechanics that I want to…
Boring Disclaimer Time: Any opinions, ideas, thoughts or criticisms contained in these posts are wholely my own and not representative of any organisation and / or group that I may affiliated with or employed by!