3D Point & Click (Zenva Course)

Key Learnings:

Game Capture

  • Pushing further with 3D dev,

  • Unity Input & AI Libraries (Navmesh)

  • Switch Statements

This is a second game that I have made using a Zenva course & free assets. I learned how to utilise the Navmesh AI system within Unity & about new variable classes. Again, it’s a pretty great blank canvas on which to apply new mechanics and I may revisit it.



  • This was part of a course so luckily I was able to consult forums / support resources whenever I got stuck!

  • 3D development (Vectors),

  • NavMesh

  • Switch Statements

Areas for Improvement:

  • Improve the design - the canvas still has a lot of blank space that can be filled with more open source models,

  • Enhance with features that I’m already familiar with (Particle Effects, Sound, Animations, etc.).

Final Thoughts:

Another smaller project based on a course where I learned a lot in a short period of time!


Android - Clicky App (Zenva Course)


3D Platformer (Zenva Course)